Hormone replacement therapy Ridgewood, NY - Renew Hormone Institute

Hormone therapy provides solutions to achieve hormone balance. Imbalanced hormones contribute to undesirable symptoms and health risks that hormone replacement therapy can help mitigate under medical supervision. This article will inform Ridgewood residents about basics of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) protocols, approaches utilized at informed consent HRT clinics like Renew Hormone Institute, common hormone deficiency symptoms, and expected benefits of properly administered bioidentical hormone therapy.

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) regulates hormones to maintain youth, vitality and wellbeing as the body ages. It is prescribed for both men and women to treat hormone deficiencies related to aging and health conditions.

HRT provides hormones the body once produced but now makes in inadequate amounts. Therapy can relieve undesirable menopause symptoms in middle-aged women or correct testosterone shortage (low T) consequences in men over 30.

Customized bioidentical hormones - identical on molecular level to native human hormones - are often administered to closely mimic what the body produces naturally. Properly balancing these hormones can help sustain wellness and an enhanced quality of life.

Key benefits of HRT include relieving menopause or andropause symptoms, supporting positive mood and cognitive function, enabling restful sleep, preserving bone health, improving body composition, bolstering libido and sexual function, enhancing overall wellness during aging.

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Common Forms of HRT

Systemic HRT provides hormones like estrogen, testosterone and progesterone to the entire body via skin creams/gels, sublingual drops, pellets or patches. This impacts multiple body systems simultaneously.

With localized vaginal HRT, creams or suppositories supply estrogen directly to genital tissues. This treats specific symptoms like vulvovaginal atrophy or dryness.

Bioidentical hormones from plant sources biochemically match human hormones. The body recognizes and utilizes them more efficiently than synthetics. Compounded bioidentical hormones can be customized for each patient.

FDA-approved bioidenticals include estradiol patches, gels or spray preparations. These undergo extensive testing for consistent potency and purity standards.

Factors Contributing to Hormone Deficiency

Imbalanced hormones often develop gradually over years without obvious symptoms initially. However, prolonged hormone shortfalls can significantly impact quality of life.

There are various causes of hormone decline including:


Youthful hormone production peaks around age 25 then slowly declines. This causes rising hormone imbalance risks later in life.

Notable age-related shifts include menopause affecting women (average age 51) and andropause which can occur in men over age 40.

By age 60, growth hormone production may decrease by over 50% for both genders. This contributes to changes like loss of muscle mass, bone weakness and increased body fat.

Traumatic Injuries

Head trauma from events like sports collisions or explosive blasts can detrimentally impact hormone-regulating glands in the brain. Survivors may subsequently develop growth hormone deficiency or sexual hormone imbalance.

Chronic Illnesses

Certain medical conditions are associated with increased incidence of hormone deficiency:


Long term use of certain prescription drugs can alter natural hormone levels over time:

Substance Abuse

Excessive alcohol intake frequently disrupts testosterone and estrogen balance in men and women respectively.

Anabolic steroid abuse can shutdown natural testosterone synthesis long after stopping usage. This may require HRT to restore normal hormonal function.


Excess body fat accumulates enzymes that convert sex hormones like testosterone into estrogen contributing to hormonal imbalance in both men and women.

Psychological Stress

High stress levels initiate release of fight-or-flight hormones like cortisol and epinephrine which can indirectly disrupt reproductive hormone balance over time.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Inadequate vitamin D, zinc or other micronutrients essential for hormone production may result in progressive hormone decline.

Addressing Hormone Deficiency

Various undesirable signs and symptoms can develop when hormone levels dip too low. Identifying and properly treating hormone shortfalls via HRT helps mitigate related health risks.

Diagnostic lab testing provides objective hormone level measurements to reveal imbalances. Follow-up testing confirms optimal hormone dosage over time.

We emphasize holistic wellness including nutrition, exercise and stress reduction while providing HRT to restore hormone balance. Our goal is equipping patients to look and feel their best while aging well.

Interesting fact

"Studies have found that hormone therapy in postmenopausal women counterintuitively reduces the risk of rheumatoid arthritis by up to 20%. Although more typically used for other health issues, the hormonal changes can have a protective effect against this specific type of arthritis for reasons not yet fully understood."

Key Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Correcting hormone deficiencies and imbalances through physician prescribed bioidentical HRT offers a variety of youth-restoring metabolic enhancements and wellness benefits.

Relief of Menopause or Andropause Symptoms

Bioidentical estrogens, progesterone and testosterone help counteract uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, perimenopause or andropause.

HRT effectively alleviates hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disruption, brain fog, anxiety, irritability and emotional lability characteristic of hormone fluctuation.

It also improves vaginal atrophy and dryness symptoms to restore normal intimate relations for many couples.

Reduced Muscle Loss

Balancing deficient hormones prevents accelerated decrease in lean muscle mass & bone density leading to frailty.

This helps maintain strength, mobility and metabolic rate which typically decline after peak at age 25.

Healthier Body Composition

In addition to retaining youthful muscle tone, properly administered HRT enhances utilization of body fat for fuel while decreasing accumulation of excess adipose tissue.

This leads to achieving a healthier lean-to-fat ratio promoting metabolic flexibility.

Better Cognitive Performance

Testosterone and estradiol are important for multiple aspects of brain function throughout life.

Estrogen therapy boosts blood flow while activating areas involved with memory and task coordination in the brain.

Testosterone supplementation in testosterone deficient men improves working memory, verbal fluency and other cognitive parameters.

Together, balancing these key hormones preserves acuity and mental sharpness during aging.

Enhanced Libido & Sexual Function

Declining androgens and estrogens lead to lackluster sexual desire and performance which HRT can effectively counteract.

In men, normalized testosterone levels restore frequency of sexual thoughts and reinvigorate ability to perform.

In women, estrogen therapy reverses vaginal lining changes to resolve painful intercourse and enhances arousal responses.

For both genders, properly restoring hormones reactivates enjoyment of sensuality and sexual relations.

Improved Emotional Wellbeing

Deficient or fluctuating reproductive hormones frequently contribute to suboptimal emotional health.

Mood disorders, like anxiety or depression, may result from low testosterone levels in either gender.

Estrogen & progesterone shortfalls disrupt multiple neurotransmitters causing instability of emotions.

Correcting identified hormone insufficiencies stabilizes moods and boosts emotional resilience.

Decreased Inflammation

Age-related chronic low-grade inflammation underlies multiple degenerative conditions from osteoarthritis to cardiovascular disease.

Balancing hormones like estrogen, testosterone and DHEA optimizes anti-inflammatory effects helping prevent these disorders.

Thyroid hormones also have anti-inflammatory effects which prevents aggravating autoimmune issues like Hashimoto’s disease.

Thus properly administered bioidentical HRT curtails various inflammation driven diseases.

Reduced Heart Disease Risk

HRT strengthens cardiovascular health when initiated within 10 years of menopause for women and age 50 for men.

Testosterone therapy lowers incidence of angina, atherosclerosis, heart attacks and related mortality in testosterone deficient men.

Estrogen replacement similarly boosts heart health and prevents heart disease in menopausal women. Timing matters - the earlier the better.

Our cardiovascular protocols emphasize follow-up testing and sensible HRT dosing to support heart health during aging.

Increased Insulin Sensitivity

Age-related hormone deficit allows rising insulin levels promoting diabetes risk.

However, balancing hormones like testosterone, growth hormone and thyroid prevents insulin resistance and enhances effective utilization of blood glucose for energy.

This helps prevent metabolic dysfunction progressing to diabetes that affects over half those over age 60.

Improved Sleep Quality

Disordered sleep results from shifting cortisol, melatonin, estrogen and other hormone interactions.

Restoring 24 hour hormonal rhythms enhances ability to fall asleep, stay asleep and wake refreshed.

Feeling well-rested carries over into better daily performance - both mental and physical.

Decreased Cancer Risks

Estrogen therapy started near menopause lowers a woman’s risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s.

It also reduces incidence of colorectal cancer and overall mortality from breast cancer when properly timed.

For men, correcting low testosterone levels significantly decreases risks of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and prostate cancer later in life.

Administering bioidentical hormones under medical guidance provides protective effects against multiple cancers.

Healthier Aging Overall

Aging brings declining hormones causing noticeable changes by midlife. Left unaddressed, consequences compound over subsequent years.

However, accurately assessing and addressing hormone deficiencies through properly monitored treatment plans sustains wellness years longer.

By maintaining youthful hormone balance, both men and women can continue thriving socially and sexually while minimizing diseases of aging.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

Assessing hormone status is an essential first step toward restoring optimal balance through HRT.

Blood tests, medical histories and symptom surveys help identify specific deficiencies contributing to health issues or unwanted signs aging.

Subtopic 1 : Blood Sample Testing

Laboratory analysis precisely quantifies circulating blood levels of key hormones producing a snapshot of glandular function.

We emphasize testing free hormone fractions - the bioavailable portions readily used by cells - over less accurate total amounts.

Follow-up blood tests also monitor patient responses to therapy allowing medication adjustments as needed over time.

Medical Histories

Details of patient experiences reveal much about hormonal status: - Onset timing & intensity of menopausal or andropause symptoms - Changes in sexual health and function - Frequency of night sweats or hot flashes - Emotional lability or depression - Cognitive lapses - forgetfulness / difficulty concentrating

These subjective indicators compliment lab testing when developing HRT treatment plans.

Subtopic 3 : Symptom Questionnaires

Validated surveys like the Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency Assessment quantify severity of hormonal deficiency effects patients may not relay otherwise.

Scales measuring menopause / andropause symptom spread and intensity also highlight issues to address.

Quantifying patient experiences this way supports fine tuning of HRT dosage for optimal symptom relief and wellness.

Male Hormone Replacement Protocols

Men over 30 begin experiencing gradual testosterone declines averaging 1-2% yearly. This progresses to symptomatic andropause by age 50 in 30% of men.

Low testosterone or hypogonadism leads to unpleasant symptoms impairing men’s quality of life.

Restoring healthy testosterone levels alleviates issues, enhances vitality and sustains wellness during male aging.

Benefits of Testosterone Therapy

TRT provides multiple metabolic enhancements: - Relieves low T symptoms - Reduces body fat - Builds lean muscle mass - Strengthens bones - Improves mood & motivation - Enhances libido & sexual function

Testosterone also has anti-inflammatory effects and preserves heart and brain health when properly administered.

Diagnosing Low Testosterone

Symptoms of andropause accompanied by total testosterone levels below 350 ng/dL on two morning blood samples confirm hypogonadism.

Further assessment of contributor hormones helps guide customized treatment plans.

TRT Administration Methods

Testosterone therapy options each have pros and cons to weigh:

Optimizing long term therapy relies on monitoring feedback and adjusting dosage and delivery methods as needed.

Female Hormone Replacement Considerations

Menopause induces multiple hormonal and anatomic changes causing distressing symptoms and increased health risks in women.

Hormone therapy (HT) stabilizes hormones alleviating issues like hot flashes or sleep disruption and decreasing osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes and dementia risks when started before age 60.

Perimenopause and Menopause Symptoms

Perimenopausal hormone fluctuations often start up to 10 years before menopause causing irregular cycles and erratic symptoms like:

Menopause occurs after 12 months without menstrual periods. Estrogen drops rapidly escalating symptoms while risks for certain cancers and osteoporosis rise.

Restoring balance through creative combinations of bioidentical estrogens, progesterone and testosterone curtails symptoms and sustains wellness.

Customized Treatment Planning

We tailor combinations of bioidentical hormones based on each woman's: - Specific deficiency lab testing - Bothersome residual symptom profile - Current health issues or risk factors - Preferences and lifestyle

Treatment plans integrate nutrition, movement and stress reduction for maximizing patient benefits from hormone therapy.

Follow Up Testing and Monitoring

Follow up testing performed every 3 to 6 months allows adjusting dosages to keep individual hormone levels optimized over time.

We monitor objective physical indicators like expiration breath temperature along with patients subjective symptom reports for guidance.

For women with uterus intact, we ensure proper progesterone balance to prevent estrogens over-stimulation of uterine tissues.

Restoring Thyroid and Adrenal Hormone Balance

Thyroid and adrenal gland hormones interact closely to maintain healthy metabolism and stress adaptation. Imbalances contribute to unwanted weight gain and emotional volatility.

Testing reveals specific deficiencies allowing tailored supplemental thyroid hormone, cortisol or DHEA to restore balance.

Common Thyroid Symptoms

Key signs of low thyroid function include:

Subtopic 2 : Testing Thyroid Hormones

Blood tests assess bioavailable active thyroid hormone (Free T3) along with Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH).

Reverse T3, thyroid antibodies and iodine status provide further clues guiding precise supplemental dosing.

We avoid excessive T4 dosing which can inhibit natural T3 conversion worsening cellular hormone deficits.

Adrenal Hormone Balance

Emotional volatility with exaggerated stress responses signals adrenal dysregulation:

DHEA and cortisol act synergistically at optimal ratios we aim to normalize via testing and supplementation enabling steady energy, focus and calmness.

Optimizing Benefits of HRT

Hormone replacement therapy effectively mitigates multiple undesirable symptoms and health risks associated with hormone decline.

However optimizing results relies on testing accuracy, patient involvement and key lifestyle factors supporting hormonal balance.

We emphasize wholesome nutrition, regular exercise, productive sleep and stress reduction while providing expert hormone replacement for maximizing treatment success.

Nutrition Supporting HRT

Hormones require trace nutrients for

Discover the benefits of hormone replacement therapy now!

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